Pregnancy center in Panama City, Florida

For generations, Gulf Coast Regional Medical Center has had the pleasure of sharing one of life's most momentous occasions with thousands of Bay County families. Our Women's Center is specially designed to support expectant parents in welcoming their newest family additions.

For more information on our obstetric services, please call Consult-A-Nurse® at (850) 747-3600.

Obstetric services and amenities

We are honored that you have invited us to be a part of your joyous occasion. We are proud of our pregnancy center's family-focused environment. We welcome you not only as our patient but also as our guest.

We offer comfortable amenities and comprehensive childbirth services for expectant mothers, such as:

  • 10 labor, delivery and recovery rooms
  • 22 postpartum suites (mother/baby suites)
  • 24-hour anesthesia coverage
  • Antepartum care
  • Birth certificate processing
  • Birthing balls and peanuts
  • Breastfeeding support from certified lactation consultants
  • Celebration dinner
  • Childbirth classes
  • Fetal Testing Suite
  • Flat screen TV
  • Free valet parking
  • Free Wi-Fi
  • High-risk pregnancy care (multiples)
  • Neonatal intensive care unit
  • Maternal-fetal medicine specialist
  • Neonatal transport team
  • Newborn photography
  • Universal hearing screening program

Our experienced labor and delivery nurses and international board-certified lactation consultants are available to answer questions on a variety of topics, ranging from breastfeeding to pediatric care.

For women who are identified as high risk for perinatal complications, we offer the Fetal Testing Suite. This is a comfortable and private room where we perform a variety of outpatient fetal tests.

Patient-focused labor and delivery rooms

At Gulf Coast Regional Medical Center, our goal is to enrich the birth experience for you and your family. Our 10 private labor, delivery and recovery rooms offer a safe and supportive environment with home-like décor.

We welcome your family and friends to share this exciting event with you, as we believe that childbirth is a family affair. At the same time, we value your privacy and do all we can to ensure your comfort and ease your transition into motherhood.

Packing your hospital bag

Many expectant mothers pack for their maternity hospital stay a few weeks before their baby is due. Consider including several nightgowns, a bathrobe, slippers, undergarments, toiletries and clothes for you and your baby to wear home. If you plan to breastfeed, remember to pack nursing gowns and bras.

Many mothers like the comfort of an extra pillow from home and other personal items. Please be sure to leave valuables—including jewelry—at home, as we cannot be held responsible for their protection.

Coming to the hospital for labor and delivery

If you think you may be in labor and/or if your water breaks or begins to leak, call your doctor immediately. During the day, you can enter through the hospital's front entrance or through the emergency room entrance. You can then proceed to the second floor, where the labor and delivery department is located.

From 10:00pm - 5:00am, you can enter the hospital only through the emergency room entrance. If you need assistance, please notify our staff, and they will escort you to the labor and delivery department to be examined. If it is determined that you are in labor, you will be admitted to the hospital to have your baby.

Cesarean section

If you will have a scheduled cesarean section (C-section), you will be given a time to arrive at the hospital that may be several hours prior to your scheduled surgery. This will allow your lab work to be completed and your nurse to prepare you for surgery. Report to the labor and delivery department on the second floor for registration and a staff member will direct you from there.

One support person may be present for the C-section. Your support person will be required to wear appropriate surgical apparel and to sit by anesthesia. In case of an emergency, the support person will be asked to wait outside the operating room.

Visitation during childbirth

Family and friends are an important part of your new baby's life. We kindly ask that patients and visitors follow hospital rules in regards to visitation. Visiting hours are posted throughout the Women's Center. This ensures that our staff can give you and your baby the best possible care.

Your support person and up to two significant others may be present for vaginal deliveries. Other visitors will be limited based on current or seasonal restrictions.

Children, siblings and other visitors are allowed in patient rooms at the judgment of the physician. Please remember that the number of visitors during any situation may be limited by the physician or nursing staff based on a patient's condition.

Waiting rooms

A comfortable waiting room is available for family and friends of laboring mothers. We encourage you or your support person to call and update your family and friends often, as phone calls cannot be transferred into maternity rooms.

Postpartum support

At Gulf Coast Regional Medical Center, our care for you doesn't end after you give birth. We continue to care for you throughout your hospital stay. We offer postpartum services and accommodations so you feel comfortable and healthy before returning home with your newborn.

Breastfeeding support

If you want to breastfeed, our lactation consultants and staff are available to help you and your baby learn proper techniques. Breast pumps are also available in every mother/baby room for your convenience. Our team knows that breastfeeding is not easy, and we want to give you the support needed to be successful.

For more information about lactation services or to schedule an appointment, please call (850) 747-7898.


Parents of male babies may choose to have their babies circumcised before they leave the hospital. Please discuss circumcision with your doctor to learn about the advantages, disadvantages and cost.

Neonatal intensive care

Gulf Coast Regional Medical Center is home to Bay County's only Level III Neonatal Intensive Care Unit (NICU). As a Level III NICU, our neonatal specialists are uniquely equipped to care for babies born prematurely or with illnesses.

Photography and videography

Whether you are a first-time or seasoned mom, birth is a special event for your family. We understand the importance of being able to take photos and videos during the event. Our staff will discuss appropriate times for photography and videography with you prior to delivery, as there may be times when cameras are not allowed. Our staff will be available to answer questions.

Postpartum visitation

A newborn's immune system is immature. For this reason, we ask that visitors wash their hands before holding your baby. If your family and friends are sick, please ask them not to visit until they are healthy.

You can help limit your baby's exposure to disease by asking family and friends to make child care arrangements before visiting you, as young children tend to be sick more often than adults.

Your baby's doctor

Many parents choose their baby's pediatrician and schedule an office visit to discuss their medical history and neonatal care before the child is born.

Your baby's doctor will examine the baby within a few hours of birth to discuss baby care and to schedule his or her first office visit. If you need help finding a pediatrician, please call (850) 747-3600 for a free physician referral.